Grandparenting with Grit and Grace (part 3)

In “Grandparenting with Grit and Grace, Part Two,” I shared with you the lovely story of the Chicago Bears pro football Hall of Fame player, Walter Payton. He lived a life filled with “grit and grace.” Not only was his life exemplary to me, but also, his death. You see, Walter died at the height of life. A rare liver disease took his life at age 45.

Death. Not a comfortable topic. But the truth of the matter is that it comes to every single one of us. We do not know when our time will come. We do not know how many days or how many opportunities we may have to pass a legacy of faith to our loved ones. But the day to cross over to the other side of eternity will come to each of us.

If we want to stand in eternity with all of our loved ones by our side, then we need to become focused on our grandparenting. It is important to pray for the Lord to show you His way for you to impact his children. Then you need to sit down and WRITE OUT that plan. Ask yourself what conversations the Holy Spirit is laying on your heart to have with your grown children/grandchildren. Are there any activities you would like to lead your loved ones in that would draw them closer to the Lord through the Holy Spirit? Is there a trip you feel the Holy Spirit is prompting you to take with your loved ones, maybe to visit the church you were baptized in or where your parents were married? What skills has the Holy Spirit given you that you would like to share with your family?

Spend some time in the presence of the Holy Spirit seeking His leadership on if or when any of these things should happen. Then write down these thoughts and time frame. Put it on your calendar. Seek the Lord to guide you through these conversations and activities. If you don’t prayerfully develop a plan AND write it out, then likely you will not accomplish many of these goals. If you get knocked down as a grandparent, or pushed back; remember Walter Payton. Get back up and run - hard! Do it again and again. Every step counts.

Before long, you will make a touchdown. Little by little, you will make a difference in the hearts, minds and lives of your family. We are not running a sprint. It’s a marathon. The little steps add up, ultimately getting you to your goal of pointing your children to Christ. “Grandparenting with Grit and Grace” is not so much about big steps or long strides. It is little steps coming together that make a difference. But it all starts with a written plan.

- Cathy Jacobs, Director of Grandparenting Ministries


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The Spiritual Practice of Gratitude