Kids Ministry Leaders: Shaping the Next Generation for Christ
Children are the heartbeat of the church's future. Investing in their spiritual growth is one of the most important missions any congregation can undertake. As Jesus said in Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.

The need for Children's Ministry in Diverse Urban Churches
As churches continue to become more diverse, children ministry but also become the same as well.

Kidz focus Point: Trauma and Healing
Every day, children around the world face traumatic experiences that can leave lasting scars…

My Journey to Faith: From Quranic school to Christ
Greetings Brothers and Sisters! I bless you in the Lord. I desire to share the details of my faith journey and the struggles I encountered along the way. My prayer is that this will encourage you in your own walk with Christ.

To nurture Faith: A quick word from Dr. Fadi Rizik
My brothers and sisters in faith, you are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. Do not be afraid to let your light shine before people….

True Liberty in God
As we celebrate Independence Day, we're reminded of the freedom our forefathers fought to secure. Fireworks, parades, and family gatherings highlight the joy of living in a free nation. But as we reflect on this precious liberty, let's also consider the profound freedom we have in God.

The importance of Rural Ministry and the impact on Children’s Faith
The Reach of Rural North America
Despite common perceptions, rural North America holds a significant portion of the population. The US Census Bureau reports that 20% of Americans live in rural areas, totaling around 66 million people. This population is larger than that of many major countries, including France and Italy. As of recent estimates, over 13.7 million children under the age of 17 reside in these areas. Because of this rural environments shape many urban residents' lives.

Community Connection: Home and Church
This month, we want to share a practice that helps shape and deepen community at home or at church. We call this “community connection.” It’s a time to listen to our brothers and sisters in the Lord (no matter what their age), to listen to the Holy Spirit on their behalf, and to encourage one another. Adele Calhoun reminds us that “Spiritual transformation is not a solo event.” Try this spiritual practice with…

Grand-parenting with Grit and Grace (4)
Like the pup in this picture, sometimes we grandparents need to keep our chin up, to keep on “truckin’” even when the journey is arduous.

Happy New Year! Now Let’s Lament.
God knows that life is hard, and that we struggle because things are not the way they should be. Most Christians have not heard much about lament. After all, aren’t all of our problems supposed to go away after we receive Jesus? (Not!) And yet, the spiritual discipline of lamenting is everywhere in the Bible! Lament is an important spiritual practice that can help us walk through the difficulties in our lives in close step with God and grow into deeper trust of him.

Love Letters from God
Advent is all about waiting and watching. This month practice waiting and watching for love letters from God – for you personally, for your friends, for your children or grandchildren.

Grandparenting with Grit and Grace (part 3)
Grandparenting is a marathon, not a sprint. Make a plan on the small steps you can take today to impact your family with the love of Jesus!

The Spiritual Practice of Gratitude
Any month is one where we should engage in the spiritual practice of gratitude. Being grateful. Thanking those who have given to us. Appreciating the blessing of being alive. And, most of all, the gift of knowing Jesus.

Grandparenting with Grit and Grace (Part 2)
Read more to find out about American football player Walter Payton and his balance of grit and grace in this second installment of encouragement by Cathy Jacobs, our Director of Grandparenting Ministries.

Hope in the Midst of Struggle in Ukraine and Belarus
KidZ at Heart has been blessed to develop relationships with many brothers and sisters in Christ in Ukraine and Belarus. We are always encouraged to hear of how they are continuing to spread the love of Christ and use what they learned in KidZ training in spite of the pandemic, war, and political unrest. God never stops working!

Have You Been Watching the News?
Our hearts grieve and our prayers go out to those caught up in the battle in Israel. And those in Ukraine. And those in the 45 armed conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa, the 35 armed conflicts in the rest of Africa, the 21 armed conflicts in Asia, the seven armed conflicts in Europe, and the six armed conflicts in Latin America.
And our hearts grieve for the church…just one more place where we too often fail to engage in the spiritual practice of unity. As James warns us, “No one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison” (James 3:8, NLT).

Grandparenting with Grit and Grace (Part 1)
Read this encouragement from Cathy Jacobs, our Director of Grandparenting Ministries!

Special Announcement!
We want to share some incredibly good news with you!
KidZ at Heart International has been blessed by Lilly Endowment with a $1.25 million grant through its Christian Parenting and Caregiving Initiative. KidZ is one of 77 organizations, denominations, local congregations, and regional districts of national church groups to whom Lilly Endowment awarded a total of $92 million this summer.

Who Do You Want to Be? Practicing a Rhythm of Life
As summer ends and school is back in session, now is the perfect time to develop a “Rule of Life,” both for yourself and for your family that will help foster deeper relational closeness with God. Click below to find practical ideas on how to implement this into your family’s life.