Grandparenting with Grit and Grace (Part 1)

Love this boy! He’s one of my youngest grandsons. Soon, he’ll be the big brother of my ninth grandchild. My heart is full ….

While I’m in love with all of my kids and grandkids, my heart is heavy. We live in such a tumultuous world. I cannot take for granted that any of my loved ones will grow up to love Jesus. It is more important than ever for us grandparents to pour into our grandchildren, to step up our game. It is time for Grandparenting by Grit and Grace!

Grit: Sometimes it is easy, fun (!) to grandparent. But other times, it takes everything within us to do even the smallest task. It takes resolve, determination, intentionality … GRIT (as we say in the South)! Grandparenting is “heart work”. This means at times, it is definitely hard work.

GRACE: Regardless of our determination, resolve, GRIT (!) to give all we can to our loved ones, it will take grace from God to help our loved ones fall deeply in love with Jesus Christ.

Would you like to be a transformative grandparent? Join us in the coming weeks for a beautiful story portraying “grit and grace”. Later, we will begin to share with you some “Thoughts and Tools” for Grandparenting by Grit and Grace.

Stay tuned. Together, by God’s grace and power, we’ve got this grandparenting role. It’s not easy. But it is possible!

By Cathy Jacobs (Director of Grandparenting Ministries)


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